Seed & Feed Samplers
Star Quality seed and feed samplers feature sampling slot direction indicator, a solid tapered tip, open handle design for direct collection into sample bag and knurled handle for ease of operation. All probes are constructed of stainless steel with anodized aluminum handles.
Star seed samplers have been developed in consultation with, and are used by, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Star seed samplers have been designed to meet International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) guidelines and recommendations.
Star Nobbe seed samplers have a single-slot opening for sampling bagged and bin seed. The sampler should reach to the middle of the bag and have a slot width at least 2 times the size of the seed being sampled.
All Star Nobbe samplers have a ‘comfort’ push handle, slot indicator, and a smooth tapered tip for no-tear bag entry and sample retrieval. Slot openings vary with the seed sampling requirements and come in 8, 11, 15, and 20mm widths. All samplers come with a plastic protective carrying sleeve.

NOBBE 8 mm
Item 600
For sampling bagged seed: bentgrasses, bluegrasses, alsike clover, timothy.
- Probe diameter 13 mm (½”)
- Probe length 450 mm (18″)
- Slot length 40 mm (1 5/8″)
- Slot width 8 mm (5/16″)
NOBBE 11 mm
Item 610
For sampling bagged seed: canola/rapeseeds, mustards, clovers (red and sweet), alfalfa.
- Probe diameter 16 mm (5/8″)
- Probe length 480 mm (19″)
- Slot length 55 mm (2 1/8″)
- Slot width 11 mm (7/16″)
NOBBE 15 mm
Item 620
For sampling bagged seed: fescues, flax, lentils, orchardgrass, ryegrasses, wheatgrasses, wheat.
- Probe diameter 19 mm (¾”)
- Probe length 510 mm (20″)
- Slot length 65 mm (2 5/8″)
- Slot width 15 mm (5/8″)
NOBBE 20mm
“Short” version (51 cm/20″ long) – $230.00, Item 630
“Long” version (81 cm/32″ long) – $250.00, Item 631
For sampling bagged seed: barley, beans, corn, oats, peas, rye, sunflower, triticale, durum wheat.
- Probe diameter 25 mm (1″)
- Probe length 813 mm (32″)
- Slot length 65 mm (2 5/8″)
- Slot width 20 mm (13/16″)
The highest quality sampling begins with the best equipment to collect that sample. The Double Sleeve seed sampler allows for reliable full profile sample collection in either horizontal or vertical sampling conditions. All Double Sleeve seed samplers are of double tube stainless steel construction and feature Star’s unique locking aluminum handles. The Double Sleeve seed samplers are government approved and used by Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspectors across Canada for domestic and export seed sampling and inspection.
- Aluminum anodized handles
- Stainless steel inner and outer tubes
- Locking handle assembly for 360 degree rotation
- Indicator pins allow reliable slot orientation
- Quickly convertible to fully partitioned sampler for vertical bin sampling
Tapered stainless tip for easy no-tear bag entry.

Item 700
For bagged or bin seed: bentgrasses, bluegrasses, alsike clover, timothy.
- Probe diameter 16 mm (5/8″)
- Probe length 940 mm (37″)
- Slot length 95 mm (3 ¾”)
- Slot width 8 mm (5/16″)
Item 710
For sampling bagged seed: fescues, flax, lentils, orchardgrass, ryegrasses, wheatgrasses, wheat.
- Probe diameter 22 mm (7/8″)
- Probe length 1140 mm (45″)
- Slot length 95 mm (3 ¾”)
- Slot width 15 mm (9/16″)
Item 720
For sampling bagged seed: barley, beans, corn, oats, peas, rye, sunflower, triticale, durum wheat.
- Probe diameter 29 mm (1 1/8″)
- Probe length 1140 mm (45″)
- Slot length 95 mm (3 ¾”)
- Slot width 20 mm (13/16″)
The Star Long Slot feed samplers are ideal for sampling fertilizers, feed concentrates and bulk seeds. The slot runs nearly the full length of the probe. Having stainless steel components, the triers are easy to clean by hand or with water without concern of rust or corrosion. All feed triers come with plastic protective covers.

Item 800
- Probe diameter 19 mm (¾”)
- Probe length 540 mm (21″)
- Slot length 365 mm (14¼”)
- Slot width 15 mm (9/16″)
Item 810
- Probe diameter 25 mm (1″)
- Probe length 800 mm (31½”)
- Slot length 615 mm (24¼”)
- Slot width 20 mm (¾”)